Which API should I choose?


Real-Time API endpoint should be used when response time is crucial.

It is easiest to use, but has some drawbacks which make it unsuitable to verify large databases.

Rate limit limits number of emails that can be verified per hour. Some emails require retries or long SMTP connections taking over 40 seconds which causes more unknown results.

API Reference


Bouncer can process maximum volume of emails using this API. Implementation is a bit more complicated than using Real-Time API though.

Integration flow in pseudocode.

// psuedocode

while(true) {

  // check status of active batches (created and not completed)
  var batchesActive = getActiveBatches();

  // create batches
  if (batchesActive.size() < 10) {
    // create batch if needed
    var emailsToVerify = prepareBatchOfEmailsToVerify();
    if (emailsToVerify.size() > 0) {
      try {
        var batchStatus = bouncer.batchCreate(emailToVerify);
        storeBatchInformation(batchStatus.batchId, 'active');
      } catch(error) {
        // handle special cases (payment required, rate limit, 5XX errors)

  // check status and download results
  batchesActive.forEach(batch => {
    var batchStatus = bouncer.batchStatus(batch.batchId);
    if (batchStatus.status === 'completed') {
      // download results
      var batchResults = bouncer.batchResults(batch.batchId);
      storeBatchResults(batch.batchId, batchResults);
      storeBatchInformation(batch.batchId, 'done')



  • batches are processed sequentially, so when batch with 100000 emails is sent next batch with 1000 emails will have to wait


This API is similar to Batch API, with some additional features:

  • there is no need to remember batch id
  • internal queue is kept internally
  • there is no need for batch to finish to get some of the results
  • it keeps 24h cache, so it doesn’t verify the same email multiple times in this timeframe

Best way to implement integration using batch/sync endpoint, would be to create a queue of emails to be verified. In some kind of pseudocode it would look like this.

// psuedocode

while(true) {

  var emailsToVerify = sql('select email from queue where result == null order by queuedAt limit 10000');
  if (emailsToVerify.size() == 0) {
  try {
    var results = bouncer.batchSync(emailToVerify);
  } catch(error) {
    // handle special cases (payment required, rate limit, 5XX errors)


Implement Bouncer API Client


When using Java as your programming language our client library can be used.


It can be used as is, or modified to match your tech stack and dependencies.


When using real-time

When using batch

Error Handling

The API makes use of standard HTTP errors to indicate the success or failure of a request. The 2xx series of response codes indicate a success, 4xx indicates an error from the client side, and a 5xx error indicates a server-side error. Here are the HTTP response codes the API utilises:

  • 200 Success
  • 400 Bad Request
  • 401 Unauthorized
  • 402 Payment Required
  • 403 Forbidden
  • 404 Not Found
  • 429 Too Many Requests
  • 503 Service Unavailable

Cases to handle while implementing integration:

  • Status code 402 - Account does not have enough credits to handle request. Purchase is required. Other way to handle this is to configure email alerts or auto-refill available with subscription.
  • Status code 429 - Request have been rate limited. Too many requests have been sent.
  • Status code 503 - In some edge cases it’s possible that response with status code 503 will be returned. In that case retry should solve the problem.

How to interpret results?

In different use cases different rules may be applied to decide which emails should be kept or removed.


  • status deliverable
  • if your deliverability is not impacted and list is relatively clean
    • status risky and flag domain.acceptAll “yes”
    • status unknown with reasons unknown, timeout, unsupported


  • status undeliverable
  • toxicity with values 4 and 5 (they may impact your sending infrastructure reputation)
  • status risky with flag account.fullMailbox “yes”

Description of all datapoints is available on Terminology page.